Faculty Campus Information

Dear Faculty,
We look forward to your upcoming stay on FNU’s Campus. The following is pertinent information regarding your campus stay. Before your arrival, you will receive an email from housing@frontier.edu with your specific housing assignments. If you have any questions regarding your travel to/from campus or accommodations on Campus, please email us at housing@frontier.edu

Reminders before traveling to Campus:


  • If you fly into Lexington Bluegrass Airport, a shuttle service is provided, from 12:00-4:00 pm EST on Day 1, by Gold Shield, and will have the FNU logo visible. It is a black 16-passenger van with gold lettering. The shuttle is located outside of baggage claim, in the taxi line (cross over the drop-off/pick-up lane).                                                          

  • If you arrive/depart outside of those hours, please arrange your own transportation to/from campus. We suggest reaching out to your fellow Faculty before traveling to see if someone can come to pick you up (see the list linked above). We recommend if you are arriving in the early morning or late at night, to pre-schedule your ride through Lyft (Uber does not have a pre-schedule option, to our knowledge). Please inform the Security Guard (859-552-2170) if a Lyft/Uber is coming to pick you up. 

  • You do not need to rent a car for your stay on the FNU Campus. Company cars are available for everyone to share. The cars will be parked in the Staff parking lot. The keys and a sign-out sheet are inside the Administration Building, on the table in the foyer.  

Arrival & Departure Times:

Please check the Academic Calendar for Frontier and Clinical Bounds' exact start and end dates. Most Frontier Bounds start on Monday, but some start on a Sunday or later in the week. Clinical Bounds (beginning in Winter 2024) begin on Mondays and end on Fridays, but due to holidays, they occasionally begin a day earlier or later. 

For any questions regarding faculty expectations on Campus, please contact your Department Chair or Program Director. 




Frontier Bound

Day 1, Arrive by 4:00 pm EST    Meet in the Admin House @ 4pm EST

Day 3, Depart after 2:30 pm EST

Clinical Bound

Day 1, 4:00 pm EST

Day 5, Depart after 12:00 pm EST


ID Badge:

If you have never been to the Versailles campus, you will need a new badge; here is the ID form. You will be required to upload a photo to the form. Wesley Farmer will make your badge and leave it at the security guard gate. If you have questions for Wes, contact him via email at wesley.farmer@frontier.edu
If you take the shuttle in, please ask the driver to stop at the guard gate so you can collect your badge.


Faculty are notified of their housing assignments by Campus Housing before campus arrival. If changes to housing need to be made, please contact:

Housing for faculty is provided in the following buildings:

Faculty/Staff House: eleven private bedrooms with shared bathrooms.  

Administrator's House: a three-bedroom house used by the Administrative Faculty on Campus. 

President’s House: four private bedrooms, with ensuite bathrooms, on the second floor. When assigned to these rooms, faculty may use the room keys to lock their doors. When departing, Faculty must put the key back in the door


  • Housekeeping will clean the common areas throughout the week. 
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are available in the Dining Hall, starting on the first evening of student arrivals. The schedule can be found in the mobile app. Please contact support@frontier.edu if you do not receive an invite from Cvent for the mobile app.
  • Be sure to visit the gift shop. Employees get 25% off–be sure to tell them when checking out (credit card or Google Pay only)
  • If you need a workstation while on Campus, please check the Employee Workstation Locations Sheet for available space. Most FNU employees working on Campus telecommute and share a workstation. Please check this sheet for an open workstation (indicated by a green, blank cell).  You may wish to Google Chat the individual assigned to the available workstation to ensure they haven't changed their telecommuting days. 
    • Additionally, there are several conference rooms available on Campus. When using a conference room, please ensure it is available and book it using a Google calendar appointment.  Instructions can be found here.