Student Career Resources


Resumes, Cover Letters, Checklist, and more

We have resume samples to help you prepare for your clinical search, as well as for your job search.  If you need additional assistance with your resume or cover letter, including one-on-one support, there are many professional services available to you.  A list of certified resume writers can be found at


Resume Proofing Checklist

Free vector graphic: Pencil, Draw, Write, Pen, School - Free Image ...How does your resume stack up?  Includes CV info!


Have a listen!  Resume Webinar

Licensing and Certification

Read through some helpful material to understand the licensing and certification process.


Image result for insurance liabilityUnderstanding Liability Insurance

Do you need it?  What you need to know.


How to Run a Case Log Report

More and more employers are asking for your clinical logs, so it's important that you download a copy of your Clinical Log.  
Students have Clinical Log access after graduation for all of their submissions.


Check our Job Board

Every day, we hear from employers looking to hire FNU grads.  To see current positions available:


Interviewing Tips

It’s essential to prepare for your interviews, including learning all you can about the organization you are interviewing with. Take some time to review the organization’s social media and website before the big day. In addition, practice some interview questions by jotting down a few notes; you can then bring your notes to the interview. Don’t forget to prepare for the hardest question of all: “Tell me about yourself.” (excellent video; also addresses phone interviews)


Using our Community Map

Tap into the power of the amazing Frontier community by networking with fellow FNU students across the country!  No matter where you are in your school career, our warm and inviting community gives you the opportunity to stay in touch with FNU by networking with each other.  Reach out and connect with a classmate or find a new FNU friend in your area by looking at our community map: (Remember, FNU grads make great preceptors!) Our community map allows you to search for CURRENT students, preceptors, and faculty.


Contract Negotiation/Salary Negotiation/Starting your Career

Learn the importance of negotiating employment, salary, and benefits.  These resources can assist you.


Things to Consider (relocation assistance, etc.)

A common question students have is how to mention willingness to move for a position.  It’s a good idea to mention this on your resume and on your cover letter. These articles can assist you in making the most of a new opportunity, no matter how far your new position takes you.


Additional Resources on Preparing for your new Career

There are great resources in the ARC (Academic Resource Center):