The Gift of Precepting Course is now available 


Earn FREE 6 hours of CE from ANCC 

Designed for on-the-go learning, this course is divided into module segments so you can progress at your own pace. 

This course will provide the participant with information about the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the clinical preceptor in guiding and mentoring advanced practice nursing students in a variety of settings. 

Contributing Faculty: Dr. Sally A. Weiss, EdD, APRN, FNP-C, CNE, ANEF, Bunny Pounds DNP, FNP-BC, and Audra Cave, DNP FNP-BC

Create your account and enroll now. 

This activity is approved for 6 contact hour(s) of continuing education (which includes 0 hour(s) of pharmacology) by Frontier Nursing University. Activity ID 2502-001.  This activity was planned in accordance with ANCC Commission on Accreditation Standards and Policies. 


Contact FNU's Continuing Education Office at with questions about what is expected to complete this CE.


FNU does offer additional CE Courses which can be found in the link below. 

Additional CE Courses