Who's Who?
Academic Advisors meet regularly with students to provide support and guidance on university policies and procedures, help with access to
university resources, and ensure progress toward graduation. Each student is assigned an Academic Advisor with whom they will maintain a relationship from admission to graduation.
If you are a currently enrolled student, you can find your assigned Academic Advisor on your Profile page in the Portal.
If you are an incoming student, you will meet your Academic Advisor during Frontier Bound orientation. Please reach out to AcademicAdvising@frontier.edu if you need assistance before your scheduled Bound orientation.
Schedule an appointment with Heather Schedule an appointment with Lesia Schedule an appointment with Jennifer
Schedule an appointment with Erica Schedule an appointment with Von Schedule an appointment with Sarah
- Clinical Advisors
The Clinical Advisors are members of the FNU staff who can provide assistance to students during the site/preceptor identification process. Here are ways that the Clinical Advisors can help you:
- Provide assistance and resources in locating clinical sites and preceptors.
- Troubleshoot challenging situations related to your clinical site and preceptor search.
- Work one-on-one with students to navigate the overall clinical search process.
On/after of your first day of courses in the program, you can find your Clinical Advisor on your Profile page in the Portal.
More information can be found on the Clinical Outreach and Placement Banyan Tree Portal page.
- Clinical Credentialing Coordinators
Each student has an assigned staff member dedicated to facilitating the clinical credentialing process for the students, their sites, and their preceptors. These individuals are assigned geographically, and a list can be found here.
For more information please visit the Clinical Credentialing webpage.
- Organization Chart of Faculty Roles
Click on this link to see the Organization Chart of Faculty Roles. Information about each of the faculty roles listed can be found below in the dropdown boxes.
- Course Coordinators & Course Faculty
Course Coordinators
Course Coordinators are responsible for the course's structure and content, teaching strategies, and evaluation methods. Course Coordinators maintain the course gradebooks and approve anything exceptional related to the course (e.g., Incomplete grades, deadline extensions, etc.) Course Coordinators are the first people to turn to if you have questions about the content of a course or if any issues arise during the term. The names of your Course Coordinators can be found within your courses in Canvas, and a brief profile and link to their curriculum vitae can be found in the Faculty Directory.
Course Faculty
Course Faculty provide instruction and evaluation of students enrolled in their courses. They provide feedback on student work and remain in communication with students throughout the duration of the course. For information on specific faculty, including their curriculum vitae (CV), visit the Faculty Directory.
- RCFs: Regional Clinical Faculty (MSN & PGC)
Regional Clinical Faculty (RCFs) play a critical role in the clinical phase of your program. They provide guidance and support during clinical to both you and your preceptor(s). The RCF evaluates both the clinical site and preceptor to insure excellence before you begin your clinicals, and monitors / assesses your progress throughout the clinical experience. Some common ways that you will engage your RCF include:
- site identification (this is your responsibility, but the RCF is a valuable resource)
- clinical site approval pre-clinical planning
- Clinical Bound date selection
- clinical site visits
- advising for clinical course registration
- bi-weekly review of Clinical Log materials (time logs, self-evaluations, SOAP notes, etc.)
- clinical course grade assignment.
Your RCF is assigned according to a geographical area and specialty track. On/after of your first day of courses in the program, you can find your assigned RCF on your Profile page in the Portal.
For more information about your RCF, including a brief profile and link to his/her curriculum vitae, search the Faculty Directory.
- Clinical Directors (MSN & PGC)
The Clinical Directors ensure the effective implementation of the clinical experience for students, facilitating the role of the RCFs to provide academic engagement with you and your preceptors on a regular basis during your clinical practicum. Your Clinical Director may reach out to you if you there are issues affecting your clinical planning, clinical progression, or if any other issues arise during your clinical experience.
Dr. Nancy Pesta Walsh, Family Nursing Clinical Director
Phone: (507) 649-1860
Dr. Eva Fried, Midwifery and Women’s Health Clinical Director
Phone: (614)-905-1329
Dr. Susan Piper, Psych-Mental Health Clinical Director
Phone: (270) 543-7056
- Department Chairs (MSN & PGC)
The Department Chairs provide leadership and direction for their respective departments (FNP, CNEP/WHNP, and PMHNP). MSN and PGC students may consult with your Department Chair at any time, but are especially encouraged to do so if you have special circumstances that may impact your academic progress such as switching tracks, pursuing an Emergency Academic Hiatus, are thinking about withdrawing, and other related issues.
Dr. Audra Cave, Chair of Family Nursing
Phone: (318) 458-5231
Dr. Eileen Thrower, Chair of Midwifery and Women's Health
Phone: (770) 316-6604
Dr. Kevin Scalf, Chair of Psych Mental Health
Phone: (606) 599-7666
- DNP Project Faculty Advisor & Continuity Faculty (DNP)
DNP Project Faculty Advisor
The DNP Project Faculty Advisor is the faculty students will meet with during the DNP850: DNP Project Prep course. Students will discuss their plan for the Quality Improvement (QI) project with the DNP Project Faculty advisor and receive approval to move forward with registration into DNP851: DNP Project Planning. The name of your DNP Project Advisor will be assigned during the DNP850 Project Prep course.
Continuity Faculty
After receiving preliminary approval on your DNP QI project and upon enrolling in DNP851: DNP Project Planning, DNP students will be assigned to a Continuity Faculty. Your Continuity Faculty will serve as a mentor and guide as you apply your theoretical learning to the planning, implementation, and dissemination of your DNP project. Your assigned Continuity Faculty will contact you prior to the start of DNP851. For information on specific faculty, including their curriculum vitae (CV), visit the Faculty Directory.
- Program Director (DNP)
The DNP Program Director assumes responsibility for the overall operation of the Doctor of Nursing Program. Students in the DNP may consult with the Program Director at any time, but are especially encouraged to do so if you have special circumstances that may impact your academic progress such as pursuing an Emergency Academic Hiatus, are thinking about withdrawing, and other related issues.
Dr. Khara' Jefferson, DNP Program Director
Phone: (337) 255-3800