Supporting Your Success

Academic Resource Center

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is located in Canvas and organized into modules to provide focused academic support.  Modules include:

·        Creating a Success Plan - e.g. developing your workspace, scheduling, exam prep, developing new habits

·        Self Care in Graduate School - e.g. coping with stress, recognizing burnout, mindfulness, dealing with imposter syndrome 

·        Presenting a Professional Image - e.g. professional conduct and communication, cultural awareness, public speaking

·        Preparing for your Role Transition - e.g. role transition as an APRN, resume preparation


You can access the Academic Resource Center (ARC) HERE.


Getting / Staying Connected

Diversity Impact Program [formerly known as the PRIDE Program (Promoting Recruitment and Retention to Increase Diversity in nurse-midwifery and nurse practitioner Education)]

The Diversity Impact program is designed to assist in promoting an inclusive learning and workforce environment at FNU, with a goal to increase diversity in the nursing and midwifery professions by recruiting and retaining underrepresented students and employees. It is through this growth and progress that FNU has been nationally recognized for preparing nursing and midwifery students to meet the healthcare demands of an increasingly diverse patient population. Learn more about FNU's focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)

SAGE Mentoring Network (Supporting Achievement in Graduate Education)

SAGE is designed to provide a supportive peer-to-peer network to help students as they adjust academically and emotionally to graduate distance learning. Connect with current students, alumni, and more through the SAGE Facebook page. More information can be found here.

Class Facebook Page

Individual classes often choose to establish their own Facebook pages (independent of the university) to provide support for their specific cohort of students. Communicate with the students you met at Bound who are progressing through courses at a similar pace. Search for your Class page on Facebook or contact your Student Council representative for more information. Please note that Class Facebook pages are not administered by FNU; even so, students are expected to abide by the Honor Code in all communications.

Each Class/Cohort of Students 

Developing community is at the heart of FNU, and admitting students into small cohorts allows students to connect with their classmates from day one. Your peers know what you're going through, so turn to each other for needed support and well-deserved celebration.


ADA/504 Accommodations

Students with diagnosed documented disabilities may request reasonable accommodations in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Acts. Students requesting accommodations must self-identify and work with the university's Accessiblility Services to develop an appropriate plan for support. The FNU Accessiblity Services can be reached at Please refer to the most recent Catalog for further information (see: Academic and General School Policies / Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 Policy). Anyone wishing to begin the process may choose to have their provider complete the FNU Documentation of Disability form (also found under Student Links -> Registrar's Office).  



Learning Plans, Performance Plans, and Course Success Plans

Occasionally some students stumble at some point during their time at Frontier. Unfortunately, some students will fail a course, encroach on plagiarism by improperly citing a source, or experience communication issues with faculty or administrators. In these instances, your faculty or advisor may engage you in a learning plan, performance plan, and/or course success plan. These plans are designed to promote self-reflection on the behavior that brought you to this place and to think about steps you can take to ensure future success. These plans are not designed to be punitive, but rather excellent conversation starters that will prompt intervention at different points in the term to support you when you need it most.