Frontier Scholarships (MSN & PGC students only)

Frontier Nursing University Scholarships are available twice per year - in the Fall and Spring terms (unless otherwise noted below). At the start of each Fall and Spring term, all students will receive an email with access to the application. 

In order to apply, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Students must have a cumulative FNU GPA of 3.25 or higher.
  • Students must have a minimum of 24 credits earned with FNU. Transfer credits are not to be counted in the 24-credit total
  • Students must be in an MSN or PGC program. DNP students are not eligible to apply for internal scholarships.


Please note the following:

  • The scholarship announcement, application, and deadline will be delivered to students only via their FNU e-mail account. All announcements will be sent from the Scholarship Committee (
  • Scholarship amounts will not be included in the scholarship announcement. Available amounts may vary each award cycle and are dependent on available funds.
  • Students will complete just one application for all available scholarships. The Scholarship Committee will review criteria and match students appropriately based on circumstances and background as conveyed in the scholarship essay.



Alice Adams Scholarship
The Frontier Nursing Service Foundation awards this scholarship in honor of Alice Adams.

Arronson Scholarship
This scholarship is available for students in financial need who are in good academic standing.

Berea College Appalachian Fund Scholarship
Frontier Nursing University awards this scholarship for students residing in southeastern Kentucky.  The scholarship is made possible through a grant from the Berea College Appalachian Fund in Berea, KY. 

Bluegrass Scholarship
This scholarship, awarded to a current student residing in Kentucky, is funded through the generous funds raised during the annual Bluegrass Committee Luncheon. The Bluegrass Committee is a group of volunteer supporters of Frontier who organize the annual luncheon and support Frontier in the Bluegrass Region. 

Breckinridge Capital Advisors Scholarship
The Breckinridge Capital Advisors Scholarship is funded by Breckinridge Capital Advisors. This Boston-based fixed-income investment management firm was founded by Peter Coffin, current Chairman of the Frontier foundation board, a member of the Leadership Council, and descendant of the Breckinridge family. The Breckinridge Capital Advisors Scholarship will be awarded annually to a Frontier student who is in good academic standing. 

Dr. Torica Fuller Excellence in Diversity Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Torica Fuller, DNP, MSN, FNP-BC, WHNP-BC, CDP, CGRN, CPN, NRCME to support students of color pursuing a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner degree or a Family Nurse Practitioner degree.

E.O. Robinson Scholarship
The E.O. Robinson Mountain Fund sponsors this scholarship for students residing in Bell, Breathitt, Carter, Clay, Elliott, Floyd, Harlan, Jackson, Johnson, Knott, Laurel, Lawrence, Lee, Leslie, Letcher, Magoffin, Martin, McCreary, Menifee, Morgan, Owsley, Perry, Pike, Powell, Rockcastle, Rowan, Whitley, and  Wolfe counties in Kentucky. 

Hausman Family Scholarship
The Hausman Family Scholarship is funded through the generous support of the Hausman Family Charitable Trust. This scholarship is awarded to a student who is in good academic standing.

Helen Barber Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded by the Frontier Nursing Foundation to a nurse-midwifery student in honor of Helen Barber. Helen Barber was a courier for the Frontier Nursing Service. Mrs. Barber established the Helen M. Barber Revocable Trust in 1998 and designated a portion to fund scholarships for the training of students in midwifery at Frontier Nursing University. 

Jessie Smith Noyes Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded by the Frontier Nursing Service Foundation to an FNU student. The student must be in good academic standing and have an interest in women’s health issues.

Kate Ireland Scholarship
The Frontier Nursing Service Foundation awards this scholarship in honor of Kate Ireland. Ms. Ireland was a long time supporter of FNS, a prior courier, past Chairman of the FNS Board of Governors, and Honorary National Chairperson of the Frontier Nursing Service.

Kentucky Mountain Club Scholarship
Established with a donation from the Kentucky Mountain Club, this scholarship is awarded to a student from southeastern Kentucky.

M. Brenda Doyle Scholarship
In honor of her life and work, the M. Brenda Doyle Endowed Scholarship has been created by her family to provide funding for students pursuing a Master of Science in Nursing in nurse-midwifery at Frontier Nursing University who shows preference for living and working in the NYC area, or in the Caribbean.

Mardi Perry Scholarship
This scholarship was established through the efforts of the Boston Committee of the Frontier Nursing Service. The award is made annually to a student committed to offering midwifery services in the New England region.

Margaret Ferguson Scholarship
This Frontier Nursing Service Foundation awards this scholarship in honor of Margaret Ferguson.

This scholarship is awarded to students living in and planning to serve in Appalachia.  It is made possible by donations from the family of Marguerite B. Howard and awarded in her memory.

Marvin Breckinridge Patterson Scholarship
This scholarship is made in honor of Marvin Breckinridge Patterson and made possible through donations of the Washington DC Committee.

Mary Wilson Neel Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to a student who is in good academic standing in honor of Mary Wilson Neel.

Nancy B. Taylor Scholarship
The Frontier Nursing Service Foundation awards this scholarship in honor of Nancy B. Taylor. This award is given to a student who plans for international health work after graduation.

Noel Smith Fernandez Scholarship
This scholarship is made possible by former Social Services Secretary for the Frontier Nursing Service, Noel Smith Fernandez and is designated for underserved students of color.

Nursing Workforce Diversity (NWD) Scholarship
This scholarship is made possible through HRSA and is used to recruit, retain, and graduate more advanced practice registered nurses from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Patricia Perrin Lawrence Scholarship
This scholarship is made possible by former Chair of the Boston Committee and 1946 Courier Patricia Perrin Lawrence.

Preceptor Scholarship
This scholarship is made possible through funds donated by Frontier preceptors. 

Susanne Preston Wilson Grandin Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded by the Frontier Nursing Service Foundation in honor of Susanne Preston Wilson Grandin. The Grandin Family Foundation continues to contribute to this endowed scholarship.

Student Scholarship Fund
This scholarship is awarded by the Frontier Nursing Service Foundation to an FNU student in good academic standing. The scholarship is made possible through annual fund donations to student scholarships.

Van Sloun Scholarship
This scholarship is made possible by the annual contributions of the Van Sloun Family Foundation.

Virginia McAlister Scholarship
This scholarship is in memory of nurse-midwifery student Virginia “Ginny” McAlister, who lost her battle with cancer in 2014.  The fund was established through collective donations from her fellow students, alumni, faculty, and staff.

Leadership Awards

Leadership awards are not part of the Spring and Fall awarding cycle.

Kitty Ernst Leadership Award
This scholarship is awarded annually to a nurse-midwifery student who shows leadership ability as well as academic and clinical excellence.  The recipient is nominated and chosen by the faculty.

Family Nurse Practitioner Leadership Award
Given by the FNS foundation, this award will be given annually to a nurse practitioner student who demonstrated leadership ability as well as academic and clinical excellence. The recipient is nominated and chosen by the faculty.


FNU Emergency Scholarship

Through a grant from the Denver Foundation and funding from the Gertrude E. Skelly Foundation, Frontier has funds available for students facing unexpected financial situations that threaten their ability to continue with their studies. Students experiencing unexpected circumstances can request financial assistance to help continue in the program. Examples of unexpected circumstances include major expenses due to a hurricane, tornado, fire, flooding, personal and/or immediate family illness (eg., significant other or child), or other unforeseen emergency, Applications should be submitted within 3 months of the event. These funds are not intended to cover expected or routine costs of attending FNU such as any Bounds, clinicals, comps, or boards. They are also not intended to cover routine expenses of daily living. Documentation may be requested.

Scholarships awarded are considered part of the student’s financial aid package. If a student has already received the maximum allotment of financial aid, any award would go toward decreasing their student loan debt. In that situation, unfortunately, no award can be given since it would not be available for the emergency. Students should check with the Financial Aid Office to determine if they are eligible to receive additional funds prior to submitting a request.

The FNU Emergency Scholarship is not part of the regular Spring and Fall awarding cycle. The FNU Emergency Scholarship has a continuous open application cycle.

To start the process, please submit this form.

Applications are reviewed weekly. Students will be notified via their FNU email address, whether approved or denied, as soon as possible. 

For additional scholarship questions, please contact the Scholarship Committee at

For more information on donating funds to establish a scholarship, please contact Bobbi Silver, Chief Advancement Officer - or 859-251-4739.