Entries with tag fnu history .

Bridge Traditions   With roots tracing back to the early 1900s, Frontier Nursing University (FNU) is a school rich in history. The “FNU Traditions” blog series will give the friends and family of FNU a greater understanding of our many traditions, several of which date back to the days of our founder, Mary Breckinridge.   Our last two blogs in this series have explored our...

In honor of its 75th anniversary, Jeep is inviting fans and Jeep owners to participate by sharing their Jeep story online using #MyJeepStory. Our team at Frontier Nursing University (FNU) couldn’t pass on this opportunity to thank Jeep for all the help they have provided Frontier throughout the years.   Here is our Jeep Story:   When Mary Breckinridge established Frontier Nursing...

FNU Founder Mary Breckinridge was recently featured as one of 40 women in Dreamers & Doers: VOICES of Kentucky Women, a Kentucky Women Remembered Film Project that brings to light the untold and under told stories of Kentucky women and their achievements. Breckinridge’s inspiring story is one of determination, perseverance, dedication and hope. From the beginning, Breckinridge viewed...

Join us on a journey...Experience the rich history of Frontier Nursing University The faculty and staff at FNU are excited to be launching a new historical timeline that will allow you to walk through our rich past. Our history is full of dedicated people who have been driven to meet the health care needs of women, children and families. We are excited to invite you to take an in-depth look...