Faculty Profile

Lynn Rife, DNP. CNM

  • Nurse-Midwife
  • Professor
  • CB Course Faculty
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Dr. Lynn Rife has been a registered nurse since 1977, a certified childbirth educator since 1979, and a certified nurse midwife since June of 1991, when she graduated from Frontier in the first CNEP class. Since then, she has worked in the multicultural, metro Detroit community at Henry Ford Health System in full-scope practice. She has mentored numerous midwives, nurse practitioners, medical students, and residents over the last 30 years, receiving local and national awards for her precepting and clinical practice. She earned her DNP from Frontier Nursing University in 2022, planning to continue inspiring the next generations of nurse midwives and nurse practitioners in the academic setting as a Clinical Bound faculty member. As of 2024, she is also Co-Coordinator of the Labor Skills Workshop (LSW), a weekend event to help student nurse midwives without labor and delivery experience gain skills needed for success during their clinical experience.