Couriers: Midterm Recap

The FNU Courier Program held Midterm from Thursday, June 29 - Saturday, July 1, 2017. Midterm is the midway point during the Courier Program where all Couriers come back to Wendover to attend sessions and present community health profiles about the community in which they are serving. This year’s Midterm was special in many ways. The Courier Program welcomed back two former Couriers from 2016, May Congdon and Anthony Douglas II. For the first time, the Couriers also hosted a Community Dinner and Tea with almost 40 attendees on June 29!


The Community Dinner and Tea was hosted at the Big House on Thursday, June 29 with attendees from Kentucky River District Health Department, Bluegrass Care Navigators, Cumberland Valley District Health Department, and a FNU alum. Many Couriers spoke with guests about their experiences as citizens of Leslie or Perry County. After dinner, Couriers assisted in clean up and served tea and cookies to the site partners.


On Friday morning, Couriers had a discussion with James Wooten about substance abuse in Leslie County.  Afterward, Couriers began their community health profile presentations at the Livery. Every Courier is required to present on the community they are serving by completing a public health profile and sharing other aspects of that community. In the afternoon, May Congdon and Anthony Douglas II spoke with the Couriers about their own experiences as Couriers. The group also discussed how they were feeling about their experience at this point and how the program can translate to their future career goals.


On Saturday morning, Couriers finished presenting their community health profiles and learned about servant leadership and emotional intelligence from Angela Bailey, Associate Director of Development and Alumni Relations. Midterm concluded by the Couriers attending a lunch with Frontier supporters at the Big House.   


If you are curious to hear more from our Couriers about Midterms, you can view this short video with some Courier reflections now.