Preceptor Spotlight: Elizabeth (Beth) Bramlett, CNM

At the heart of Frontier Nursing University is a talented and diverse community of, alumni, faculty, staff, Couriers and preceptors. Spotlight blogs feature members of our FNU community that are focused on the mission of educating nurse-midwives and nurse practitioners to deliver quality health care to underserved and rural populations.


Frontier Nursing University (FNU) preceptor, Ms. Beth Bramlett, CNM, from Tampa, FL is known for being “universally loved and respected by her students,” according to RCF Meghan Garland.  Beth takes in FNU students regularly as she provides full-scope midwifery care for the patients of the Tampa Family Health Care System.


She excels at teaching hand skills, like identifying fetal landmarks during labor. Her students report that her enthusiasm and love for midwifery is inspiring.


“It’s not unlikely for Ms. Bramlett to see dozens of patients daily but she takes the time to make every woman feel special. Her students feel that way too,” said Garland.


One such student that feels that way is alumnus, Melanie Combs, CNEP class 101/September 2014 graduate.


Melanie describes Beth as “an amazing asset to my learning, and to my life. Beth never loses her amazing energy and personality.  Even when I felt like I'd never get it, Beth was right there encouraging and helping me to understand.  I feel so blessed to have called her my preceptor, a colleague and most importantly, a friend. There were a few weeks that we saw each other more than our husbands, so having found such a great friend in her was such a blessing!”


Melanie recently joined the practice of Women’s Health Care herself, and since she completed her clinicals there, she says, “it was like coming home!”  


CNEP class 119/January 2016 graduate Kristin Nobles who just recently completed clinicals with Beth, also praises her former preceptor.  Kristin says, “The compassion, knowledge, and evidence based care she provides grounded my faith in this profession and reminded me that midwifery-led care does positively change the culture of healthcare.”


Thanks for making such a great impact on FNU students, Beth! We are lucky to have you.


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