FNU Launches Historical Timeline

Join us on a journey...Experience the rich history of Frontier Nursing University

The faculty and staff at FNU are excited to be launching a new historical timeline that will allow you to walk through our rich past.

Our history is full of dedicated people who have been driven to meet the health care needs of women, children and families. We are excited to invite you to take an in-depth look at this amazing history of pioneering accomplishments and milestone events that have occurred not only for our organization, but also within nurse-midwifery and womenโ€™s care.

Our new historical timeline will allow you to learn more about our founder, Mary Breckinridge, and how that same devoted character, passion and dedication

for delivering quality health care to underserved and rural populations still resides in the hearts and minds of our students and graduates today.

As a pioneer in graduate nursing and nurse-midwifery education, we remain at the forefront of innovation and technology, offering distance education to nurses with an interest in nurse-midwifery, family health and womenโ€™s health specialties. For more information on any of our programs, visit us at www.frontier.edu.

Will you be a part of our next chapter?


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Welcome to the Frontier Nursing University (FNU) blog. The purpose of this blog is to give a voice to the thousands of students, alumni, preceptors, faculty, administrators and donors who possess a deep commitment to caring for women and families.

We hope to inspire and empower our readers with stories that ignore boundaries and redefine care. We invite you to join us on our journey to reach the highest potential for wellness.

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If you have news to share with FNU please send to FNUnews@frontier.edu. If you have a specific idea for a blog post, please submit through our form here.

For general inquiries about FNU programs please contact FNU@frontier.edu