FNU Case Days

From Albuquerque, N.M., to Anchorage, Alaska, and all the way to the island of Guam, Frontier Nursing University (FNU) hosted 116 case days with 700 participants in 2016!


A Case Day is a seminar organized by the Regional Clinical Faculty (RCF) that provides opportunities for group learning and networking within a region. Students doing their clinical practicum present a case to facilitate group discussion of management options and to promote the pathways of critical thinking. These can be virtual seminars or in-person. The in-person Case Days have refreshments and opportunities for networking.


FNU students, alumni, preceptors, faculty, applicants and friends of FNU are always invited to attend. Case Days allow Frontier to connect with the community, while also allowing students the opportunity to network at the early stages of their program, even before beginning clinicals. They are also a great way to stay connected to FNU, get to know other students in the area, RCFs, and even possible preceptors. It's a nice way to get a sneak peek at what clinicals will be like.


"Case Days, either online or live, are an essential part of clinical education at FNU,” said Jane Houston, clinical director of midwifery and women's health. “They provide a stimulating learning environment where you can learn the latest in evidence-based health care provision from your peers."


FNU Case Days are held at a variety of locales including faculty and student homes, restaurants, birth centers, museums and local hospital meeting rooms, among others. Some RCF hosts choose to incorporate an additional element into the gathering like a tour of the hosting museum, birth center or even a group hike.


Everyone is invited to attend FNU Case Days. Check here for a schedule of upcoming FNU Case Day events.

Please take a look back at all the wonderful memories from 2016 in this short video: FNU Case Days 2016 Video.


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