American Association of Nurse Practitioners: 51st Anniversary Recap


FNU faculty, alumni, students, staff and preceptors, along with over 5,000 other nurse practitioners, traveled to San Antonio, Texas, June 21-26 for the 51st anniversary of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). The conference was held at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center and offered great networking and educational opportunities for attendees.



FNU hosted its annual reception at the conference on Thursday, June 23. More than 50 members of the FNU community attended the breakfast, which was an omelet party celebrating Kitty Ernstโ€™s 90th birthday. Many students and alumni were excited to hear about the launch of FNUโ€™s new Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program. Go here to see photos from the reception.




The FNU exhibit booth was very interactive this year as FNU hosted a photo booth in celebration of Kitty Ernstโ€™s 90th birthday. Attendees were invited to dress up and share their photo with the hashtag #KittyTurns90 to be entered to win exclusive FNU prizes.  FNU also created a lot of excitement as they introduced the new Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Program to attendees.



FNUโ€™s diversity PRIDE program invites students each year to submit essays for a chance to represent the university at the AANP conference. PRIDE ambassadors Elena Prendergast and Rachel Koransky-Matson won this year and participated in clinical activities and sessions, attended the FNU reception, and assisted at the FNU exhibit booth. The PRIDE ambassadors also submitted video diaries of their experience during the conference. See their videos here. For more details on the PRIDE program, visit

Click here to view photos and videos from 2016 AANP conference.

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