FNU Participates in #MyJeepStory

In honor of its 75th anniversary, Jeep is inviting fans and Jeep owners to participate by sharing their Jeep story online using #MyJeepStory. Our team at Frontier Nursing University (FNU) couldnโ€™t pass on this opportunity to thank Jeep for all the help they have provided Frontier throughout the years.


Here is our Jeep Story:


When Mary Breckinridge established Frontier Nursing Service (FNS) in Leslie County, Ky. in 1925, she introduced the first nurse-midwives to the United States. In that time, nurses would ride horses on mountains through fog, flood or snow, in order to bring modern health care to one of the poorest and most inaccessible areas in the country.


Everything changed in 1940 when FNS began using Jeeps instead of horses to traverse the Kentucky River and surrounding landscapes.


Meet Jane, the first of many FNS Jeeps donated by the War Department.


By 1954, all outcome statistics for FNSโ€™ first 30 years were better than the country as a whole.


90 years later, FNU has nearly 5,000 graduates serving women and families across the globe.


Thank you Jeep for helping us provide quality healthcare to women and families throughout the years!


Help us share the FNU Jeep story by reposting this blog and the video below to your own social media pages.


Watch our FNU Jeep Story video here -


For more information, contact FNU Director of Marketing and Communications, Brittney Edwards, at brittney.edwards@frontier.edu or 859-899-2515.