Meet our New Clinical Directors: Q & A

In October, we introduced our two new clinical directors, Dr. Irma Jordan and Dr. Jane Houston. Our team at Frontier Nursing University (FNU) wants you to get to know them even better with this Q & A:

Q - Where did your passion for family practice begin?


Dr. Jordan- I think my interest was cultivated first to become an advanced practice nurse and then deciding on the population I wanted to care for. I love the ability to see my patients from newborn to the grandparents! 


Dr. Houston- It all began in childhood, my mom breastfed all seven of us. She even exclusively breastfed when my twin and I were born in the 60s in Scotland. She was called a "stupid woman" for not offering formula, and every doctor in the maternity hospital came to see her because they couldn't believe it was possible.

Q - What do you enjoy most about your career? 


Dr. Jordan- Having been a nurse for a very long time, it is difficult to pick one thing! When I was exclusively in clinical practice it was the patient interaction I was able to develop. Now, I think the same is true with students. I enjoy getting to know students and helping them get to their goal of becoming an advanced practice nurse.

Dr. Houston- The diversity of families that midwives and women's health NPs care for, with everyone striving for the same goal- healthy moms and babies- it is fantastic!

Q - What do you enjoy most about working with students?


Dr. Jordan- The learning that occurs! It is amazing to see students when they come to Frontier Bound (scared to death!) and then return for Clinical Bound (much more confident in their knowledge) and then with graduation! This is truly a fantastic transformation to be part of!

Dr. Houston- Their intellectual abilities and constant challenges to be the best they can be. The care they bring to their work and their calling as midwives and women's health NPs.

Q - What is a typical day at work for you?


Dr. Jordan- It depends. If I am working in my faculty role it consists of responding to student requests/issues and these vary daily. Identifying sites for clinical rotations is one of the most challenging things students face and I, along with the RCFs (Regional Clinical Faculty), try to facilitate this as much as possible. Since I am also a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, I practice in a crisis stabilization unit and this is never the same!


Dr. Houston- As above, there is no typical day for any midwife including me. I am busy at the moment learning all I can about my new role and doing the job to the best of my ability. I am aiming to be back in limited midwifery practice in early 2016 as I really miss the challenges of caring for women and babies.

Q - What are your hobbies outside of FNU?


Dr. Jordan-I love being outside and it is a good thing as I have 10 grandchildren under the age of 9! I also love traveling, which is why my role at FNU is a perfect fit!

Dr. Houston- Hobbies- watching most sports, especially American football, basketball and of course my favorite, the beautiful game of futbol. I read A LOT especially memoirs and non-fiction- I really enjoyed learning more about the British midwives in "Wide Neighborhoods". My top hobby is playing with our furry friend, Annie the Wonder Dog- she is an Australian Cattle Dog and is very good at the sport of agility and doing lots of tricks. I sometimes think she is smarter than me.

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