Get Involved

Frontier Nursing University relies on the experience, skill, and generosity of alumni volunteers to serve as preceptors, serve on committees, recognize outstanding alumni, recruit prospective students, and encourage fellow graduates to participate in FNU events and programs. Whether you are available for a couple of hours or can work as a preceptor for a term, whether you live in Paris, Kentucky or Juneau, Alaska, work in direct patient care, or are retired, there’s a volunteer position for you! Many of our current opportunities are listed below. If you don’t see something that you are interested in, contact us. We would love to hear from you, and we appreciate your support.


At FNU, we value our clinical preceptors, so we ensure that every preceptor is offered educational resources to support you in your role as a clinical educator. Because we value your time and expertise, we offer an honorarium for precepting after the student finishes his/her clinical practicum.

Click here to enquire about becoming a preceptor.

Alumni Advisory Council
Dedicated alumni volunteers are needed to serve on this important board which meets six times a year. The Board provides alumni with an opportunity to share their ideas with FNU leadership, select recipients for the Alumni Awards, and share ideas for engaging alumni through events and other opportunities. Any graduate of FNU is eligible to apply.

Click here to nominate yourself or someone you know
Click here for the Alumni Advisory Council Job Description
Click here for the Mission and Bylaws of the FNU Alumni Association

Local Alumni Reunions
Host a networking event for graduates and students in your area. These events give everyone an opportunity to share memories and experiences while creating important relationships. This can be held in your home or at a local establishment. If this is something you would like to organize, please contact Bobbi Silver, Chief Advancement Officer at 859-251-4739 or