File Attachment Standards

File Naming Standard

All courses require students to submit work electronically, and instructors need to be able to identify submissions by file name. In addition, files with the same name can cause overwriting (deleting) of existing files, which could result in one student’s assignment being overwritten by another student’s work.
The following file naming standard will be utilized for all student submissions:
FirstName LastName CourseNumber AssignmentName (For example: Jane Doe PC600 Assign2).

Use your entire first and last names as they appear in the Canvas gradebook (no nicknames or abbreviations)

The file naming standard applies to all submissions, regardless of file type (Word document, slide show, pdf, etc.)


Document Format

When using Microsoft Word, files are saved in DOCX format. All students and faculty are required to use Microsoft Office 2010 or higher for PCs and 2011 or higher for Word for Mac, which can natively read and write DOCX format. Using a DOCX file format removes the burden of having to manually save the file in a readable format and fully supports all formatting, notations, and embedding of the Office Suite.